martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

For a job interview

I watched a video about jobs interviews that my teacher show me, and I lerned that...

For a job interview you have to take into account the clothing, dress appropriately for the occasion, maintain a clean and sophisticated look. To give a good impression you have to make eye contact, smile, handshake and a great show enthusiasm.

I also learned that job interviews can be done  in restaurants and cafes or by telephone. Interviewers can not ask questions related to family, culture or gender. The end of the interview is the most important because the candidate has the opportunity to ask questions. If the employer does not call you back, do not be shy them by call, or send a handwritten note thank you. Do not wait!

Here is the link of the video

This is a questionary that i've made. There are 10 questions I answered personally

1. How much experience do you have? 
I recently completed my degree in graphic design so I have no experience but I am confident that my skills at the college level has prepared me to make a great contribution to this company.

2. What software do you have experience using? 
I know how to use Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Freehang, Adobe In Design, Macromedia Fireworks, Microsoft Office and Sony Vegas

3. How much information do you need to get started on anew project or assignment?
Enough to know the target and what i need to solve the problem in a unique way

4. What would you bring to this company?
I would provide new and fresh ideas to every project in the making.

5. In which branches of graphic design do you stand out the most?
I stand out the most in editorial design, packing design and the development of 3D models

6. How do you feel about team work?
Teamwork helps to get more ideas and improving communication skills

7. What is your favorite stage of the design process?
The final art, because I can see the artwork of my work and my effort

8. What are your weakness as a designer?
I tend to be a perfectionist and working under stress

9. Why do you think you are the right person for the job?
I have knowledge of the tendencies and styles used in graphic design nowadays, I think that combined with my work ethic would make a great situation for solving the companies problems in a creative and innovative way.

10. What do yo think about Graphic Design?
Graphic design is the combination of shapes, colors, typefaces, images and words that cause you to react or feel something. It is a graphic way to communicate a message with a determinate target.

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